Monday, August 8, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] urgent: baby in NICU -surgery now

Dear Naaleh Friend,

*Batya Emunah bat Bracha Chaya* was born a few months early and has had
numerous complications and medical issues since her sudden birth. She is
now undergoing surgery to place a shunt in her head to remove excess fluid
that is accumulating in her brain.

Our united* tefilot*, prayers, have worked miracles before. Please take the
time to recite chapters *91* and *142* of Tehillim, for a complete recovery
for* Batya Emunah bat Bracha Chaya*, along with all of the *cholim* of Am
Yisrael .

In the merit of all of Klal Yisrael davening for each other, may we merit
the ultimate redemption soon.* *

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