Monday, August 29, 2011

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Not Guilty!!!

Tokyo Japan - VIN News has confirmed reports emerging from the Chiba district court that Yoel Zev Goldstein, one of the three Israeli bochurim who has been imprisoned in Japan for unintentionally transporting drugs into the country, has been found not guilty by a Japanese court of law.
According to Ahron Nezri and Meilech Bindinger, who have both dedicated endless hours to this case and are in attendance at the Chiba district court right now, with the judge explaining how he arrived at a verdict of not guilty for Yoel Zev Goldstein.
As it is not uncommon for Japanese prosecutors to appeal a not-guilty verdict at the high court, the public is requested to daven for Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava to come home quickly and for the verdict not to be appealed. The prosecutor has fourteen days to lodge an appeal, should he choose to do so.

Goldstein will to be taken to an immigration center, where it is hoped a temporary visa can be arranged for him, allowing him to leave the country as quickly as possible and minimize the possibility of the not guilty verdict being appealed.

Arranging a temporary visa is no simple procedure as immigration officers will have to investigate why Goldstein overstayed the 90 day visa he was given when he landed in Japan in April 2008. By simply releasing Goldstein from prison, he will be in violation of immigration law and he will then be taken into custody by immigration who can then prepare the documents necessary for him to leave Japan.

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