Monday, September 5, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] B"H Miraculous recovery -- boy burnt by live wires

From Aneinu: *adapted from news reports ... see teleconference information at the bottom of this message. Jews* around the globe continue to daven for Chaim Reuven Dovid ben Chava Leah, who was injured by the live wires in Monsey, NY, during Hurricane Irene. “Doctors say that his body is healing and that this is nothing short of a miracle,” “They have no explanation for this, since a large portion of his body was burnt.” The boy's family and the Reichenberg family ask everyone to daven and end any *machlokes *in this boy’s *zechus*. Reb Moshe Yosef Reichenberg *z”l, as* is well known by now, gave his life to save the boy, who is still in need of our *tefillos*. Continue *davening *for Chaim Reuven Dovid *ben *Chava Leah. The phone number and pin number for the teleconference for Tehillim for Chaim Reuven Dovid ben Chava Leah has been changed. New numbers are: Phone 1-270-400-2000 Pin # 5637196 Time is 9:45 p.m. Eastern Time(8:45 chicago time) - all week *Sunday *- Thursday. May all Cholim experience a Refuah Shelaimah, IY"H.

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