Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Request for tefillos -- bone marrow transplant

Dear All, For many months, many of you have been davening, doing acts of chessed, giving tzedakah, etc., as a segulah for a refuah shleimah for Refael Matityahu Yaakov ben Gittel Rivka, Jason Botnick. This Friday, erev Shabbat Kodesh, iyh, Jason will be undergoing his bone marrow transplant, b'sha'ah tova umutzlechet. In this regard, we ask that you give an extra "push" for him that day, or beginning Thursday night. To those of you who are involved in chinuch, or have connections to various day schools and yeshivot, we ask you to please contact those schools and yeshivot and ask them to say tehillim and dedicate the day's learning as a segulah for a refuah shleimah for him. In addition, please say perek daled of Tehillim 3 times in the morning on Friday. Before "Neitz HaChama", which in our area is 6:36 AM, is the most preferable time to say it, but, any time in the morning will be a segulah for him. We were also advised to have as many people as possible bring in Shabbos a little early as an additional segulah for Jason's full recovery. We are grateful for your help in bringing about his refuah shleimah Wishing you all a Shannah Tova, Kol Tuv, and tizku l'mitzvot.

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