Friday, September 2, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Tefillos Needed

From our Aneinu friend in Israel: Chaim Dovid ben Necha, just had follow-up testing after surgery which showed his tumor markers are once again very high. His doctors want to try a stem cell transplant followed by chemotherapy. The success rate for this is not that high. Please daven that Chaim Dovid have a refuah shleima, and that he, and his parents, all their family be able to get through this time. They asks that you please add Chaim Dovid’s name to your shul, school or other davening lists. If you are able to participate in a tehillim effort, machsom l’fi or mitzva project for Chaim Dovid, please let me know ASAP. I would like to have things in place before Shabbat this week.

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