Thursday, September 22, 2011


S"A SIMAN 175 SIF 1 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 2 However, one is not required to make the blessing Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv over the cup 3 /of wine/ over which Grace after Meals /were said/, even though the wine is of a different variety /from the wine he drank during the meal/, since he already said /the blessing/ However, one is not required to make the blessing Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv over the cup 3 /of wine/ over which Grace after Meals /were said/, even though the wine is of a different variety /from the wine he drank during the meal/, since he already said /the blessing/ Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv in Grace after Meals. [M.A.]in Grace after Meals. [M.A.] MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOUR IN SAFEK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MEAL IF YOU NEED TO MAKE THE BRACHA Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv.ALSO SHOULD YOU MAKE THE BRACHA OF Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv DURING THE 3 WEEKS. A:S"T MINCHAS YITZCHAK SAYS HAVE IT IN MIND BY THE Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv OF BENCHING.THE KAF HACHAIM SAYS NO B/C ITS LIKE SHECEANU.THE SHDACH IN THE NAME OF THE SHARA TESHUVA ARGUES AND SAYS YES YOU CAN MAKE THE BRACHA EVEN DURING THE WEEK WHICH TISHA BAV FALLS.(FOR MORE SEE NOTE 5 FOR THE the blessing/ Ha-Tov Ve-Ha-Meytiv NEW VESSELS AND NEW BORN MALES)

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