Monday, October 10, 2011

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Rubashkin Petition Launches "Fortune 500 " Campaign

From: justice4 sholom <>
Date: October 10, 2011 7:05:57 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: JUST TODAY!!


Rubashkin Petition Launches "Fortune 500 " Campaign with goal of being first place on White House site.

The Rubashkin Petition now in it's third week has launched a massive new campaign entitled "Fortune 500" with the goal stated to become number one in petitions gathered in a 30 day span.The plan is to get 500 people who really care to commit themselves to getting 25 signatures each.

"The petition has gathered close to 35,000 signatures in about two weeks time and would need to gather another 25,000 in the next 2 weeks.

Danny Finkelman, who is heading this new campaign, said, "The rate of signatures that we are getting is truly amazing especially during this hectic holiday season."
Yet Finkelman is not satisfied and so he furthered this grassroots effort and began "Fortune 500".

With Sukkos quickly approaching and the deadline for the petition being October 22 that leaves just two short weeks to go. This makes the "Fortune 500" campaign all that much more crucial. "Can you imagine when at 30 days since the launch we have put R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin as the number one issue of the White House Petition site?" Finkelman asked.

To become a member of this group simply email :
State your willingness to become a member and then gather the signatures.

Since every person over 13 years with a valid email address could vote, by engaging 10 heads of a household you can quickly have 30 votes or more.

The campaign has already gotten over a 100 volunteers who are actively involved appealing to the general public. They have taken this issue very personally and are quickly taking this issue to the top.

"I've never seen such a broad involvement of so many people in such a short period of time." said Yossi Gestetner, a leading PR expert."To have over 30,000 people sign up in the two weeks from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur is an accomplishment that is worth too congratulate.But to make the Rubashkin Petition the number one petition in the country; that would be truly amazing!"

This will only happen with your help.

Volunteer now!


Click on the link to sign now:

PS. Check out this new video just released today!

You can make a difference!!
Say tehillim, make a hachlata
Show your support at 
Moshiach Now!!

You can make a difference!!
Say tehillim, make a hachlata
Show your support at 
Moshiach Now!!

You can make a difference!!
Say tehillim, make a hachlata
Show your support at 
Moshiach Now!!


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