Sunday, October 23, 2011

YWN Mother of Stabbing Victim: ‘Please Daven For Our Son’

The family of the Shabbos terror attack victim in Yerushalayim calls on the tzibur to daven for their son, Yehuda [ben Ronit] who remains in moderate/stable condition in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. Baruch Hashem his condition has improved since he arrived in the trauma unit. Yehuda was stabbed multiple times by an Arab male in the Ramot neighborhood of Yerushalayim on Shabbos afternoon. The assailant is believed to have fled to nearby Beit Iksa. Ronit Ne’emad, the victim’s mother, explains that her son underwent surgery which included extensive work to repair his liver, which was seriously damaged in the stabbing attack. “We believe the tefilos of Am Yisrael will help to cure him and call on everyone to please daven for my son”. Security forces, including soldiers and border police, entered Beit Iksa on motzei Shabbos, designated as an “Area B” under the Oslo Agreement, under PA (Palestinian Authority) civil control but Israeli security control. As a rule, Israel refrains from entering areas B but in this case, involved in a manhunt for the terrorist, a large number of soldiers did operate in the village bordering Ramot. According to PA sources, three residents were injured by soldiers and a number of arrests were made. The village was shut down by security forces on motzei Shabbos, not permitting anyone to enter of leave. There has been no official statement by Israeli sources as to the operation in Beit Iksa. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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