Thursday, November 3, 2011


S"A SIMAN 180 4 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 9 there are /authorities/ who are stringent where there are a lot of pieces involved which are collectively /as large/ as an olive. SIF 5 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 11 In the B.Y. two reasons /are given for this/. One /reason/ is that iron 8 shortens the life of man and /, therefore,/ it is not right that it should be lying on the table, since /a table/ is compared to an altar, which /serves to/ extend the life of man. That is why it is stated 9 /with respect to the stones from which the altar is built/: “You shall not raise iron over them.” Consequently, after one has finished eating and wishes to say Grace after Meals he should cover the knife. The second reason, /given/ in the name of Rabbeinu Simchah, is /that it is/ because once when someone reached the blessing Boneih Yerushalayim 10 (Who builds Jerusalem) he remembered the destruction of the Beys Ha-Mikdash/ (the Holy Temple) and /in his distress/ stuck a knife in his stomach. Consequently, it became customary to remove /the knife/ while Grace /after Meals are being said/. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:HOW SHOULD YOU THROW AWAY BIG PIECES OF CRUMBS?DO YOU HAVE TO COVER A NON METAL KNIFE? A:RAV ELYASHIV SAYS AS LONG AS THE CRUMBS ARE WRAPPED UP EVEN IF THEY ARE BIGGER THAN A KAZIS YOU CAN THROW IT IN THE GARBAGE.RAVV SHINBERG SAYS GIVE THEM TO AN ANIMAL IS BETTER.THE SHEVET HALAVEI SAYS YES COVER UP NON METAL KNIFES BUT OTHERS ARE IN DOUBT OR ARGUE B/C ONLY METAL SHORTEN LIFE.(FOR MORE SEE NOTES 6 7 8 AND 9)

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