Thursday, November 10, 2011


S"A SIMAN 185 SIF 1 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 1 The Bach states, in Sec. 193, that all this /applies only/ from the standpoint of what the halachah /fundamentally requires/, but if /one wishes to fulfill/ the mitzvah in the optimum /way/ he is required /to say Grace/ solely in the holy tongue. S"A 186 SIF 1 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 3 It nevertheless appears that if one wishes to rely on the opinion of the Sh.E. and the group /of scholars who share/ his /opinion, and instruct a woman to say Grace in these circumstances/, one need not protest against him. SIF 2 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 7 In which case he is only obliged, etc. If the /small/ son also did not eat enough to be satisfied, in which case /his obligation is based on/ two Rabbinical 7 /injunctions/, there are /conflicting/ opinions among the Poskim as to whether /or not his Grace after Meals/ can serve for his father to fulfill /his obligation/, and one should be stringent. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND LASHON HAKODESH IS IT BETTER TO DAVEN IN A LANGUAGE YOU DO UNDERSTAND?IF YOU WANT TO BE YOTZA MISAFAK WHAT DO YOU DO?WHY SHOULDNT A KATAN MAKE KIDUSH BY MARRIV FRIDAY NIGHT AND CAN HE BE YOTZA ANOTHER KATAN? A:THE BIUR HALACHA SAYS ONLY DAVEN IN A LANGUAGE YOU UNDERSTAND IF YPUR A YARA SHIMIEM AND WILL HAVE KAVANA.OTHERWISE DAVEN IN LASHON HAKODESH IT HAS MANY SIGULOS.THE KAF HACHAIM WRITES TO BE YOTZA MISAFAK EAT ANOTHER KIZIAS OF BREAD AND BENCH BUT HAVE IN MIND YOUR EATING FROM B.4.BY A KATAN THERE ARE THOSE WHO HOLD HE IS CIEV IN KIDUSH MIDIRABANAN THE SHARA TZION WRITES LATER ON IN THE NAME OF THE DERECH CHAIM A KATAN CANT BE YOTZA A GADOL IN KIDUSH B/C THE KATAN CIUV IS 2 DIRABANAN BUT THE GADOL CIUV IS 1 DIRABANAN.THE CIA ADAM ARGUES ON THIS BUT THE CHAZONISH SAYS BE MACHMIR.THE KAF HACHAIM SAYS A KATAN CAN BE YOTZA ANOTHER KATAN B/C THERE CIUVIM ARE EQUAL(FOR MORE SEE NOTES 1(186 4) AND(186 8))

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