Thursday, November 17, 2011


S"A SIMAN 193 SIF 1 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 6 /This is/ because they already became obliged to combine /to say Grace/ when they ate together. MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 16 Correspondingly, if they need to leave for the sake of a mitzvah and do not have time to wait /for the others so that they can bless in a group of ten or more/, because the mitzvah will be neglected /if they do so/, they are /also/ allowed to divide M"B SIF KATAN 17 The Acharonim state that at a large banquet one should give /the honor/ of combining /the diners/ for Grace with a quorum to a person with a loud voice so that all the diners will be able to hear it, /for the reason explained/ above. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOUR AT A CHASANA AND CANT WAIT FOR ZIMUN AND WHAT IF LEARNING INVOLVED?IS A LOUDSPEAKER GOOD FOR ZIMUN A:RAV MOSHE IN IGROS MOSHE SAYS MAKE A CONDITION AHEAD OF TIME THAT YOUR NOT GOING TO JOIN THE ZIMUN.(FOR MORE SEE NOTE 2 AND ABOUT WHEN LEARNING INVOLVED ALSO SEE NOTE 8)THERE A MACHLOKES IN POSKIM ABOUT A LOUDSPEAKER RAV ELYASHIV AND RAV FISHER ARE MACHMIR BUT RAV MOSHE CHAZONISH AND MINCHAS SHLOMO ARE MAKEL BY BIRKAS HAMAZON EVEN THOUGH ITS NOT YOUR VOICE.THE SHEVET HALAVEI ALSO MAKEL.(FOR MORE SEE NOTE 11)

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