Sunday, November 13, 2011


S"A SIMAN 188 SIF 6 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 17 If one does not know the wording of this blessing he should go back to the beginning /of Grace after Meals and repeat the blessings/. /However,/ if he knows the beginning /of the blessing/ and its conclusion /, then/, even if he does not know the rest of the wording in the middle properly, he should /nevertheless/ say /the blessing/ and does not need to go back to the beginning. [Taz and other Acharonim] SIF 7 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 26 For it is only on Shabbos and Yom Tov that one is obliged to eat specifically bread, from which it follows that there is a fixed obligation to /say/ Grace after Meals on those days. That is why the Sages ordained that /on those days/ the inclusion of /the prayer/ corresponding to the occasion /in the blessings/ is also essential /to the fulfillment of one’s obligation/, as /is the case/ with the /Amidah/ prayer. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:ARE YOU YOTZA ON YOM TOV BENCHING IF YOU SAY YALE VIYAVO BUT YOU FORGET WHICH YOM TOV IT IS AND IF A WOMEN FORGETS RITZA ON SHABBOS OR YALE VIYAVO ON YOM TOV DOES SHE HAVE TO REPEAT BENCHING? A:IF YOU FORGET THE NAME OF THE YOM TOV BUT YOU SAID YALE VIYAVO THE TEHILA LEDAVID WRITES YOUR YOTZA.(SEE NOTE 8)S"T RA"E WRITES A WOMEN WHO FORGETS RITZA IN BENCHING ON SHABBOS HAS TO REPEAT BENCHING B/C THEY ARE CIEV IN SUDAS SHABBOS BUT FORGETING YALE VIYAVO IN BENCHING THEY DONT HAVE TO REPEAT IT B/C ONEG YOM TOV IS A TIME BOUND MITZVA WHICH WOMEN ARE NOT CIEV IN>(FOR MORE SEE NOTE 14)

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