Sunday, December 25, 2011


GIVING GIFTS TO NON JEWS B/4 OR ON CHRATMAX? TAKING OFF OF SCHOOL FROM DECEMBER 25TH THROUGH JANUARY 1ST? CALLING DECEMBER 25TH BY ITS HOLIDAY NAME ALL THOSE QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE. PRINT VERSION PLUS Giving Gifts During The Non-Jewish Holiday Season By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt Shlit"a Dreidle, Chinese Auctions, and Other Forms of Gambling By Rav Dovid Grossman Rosh Bais HaVaad The Yom Tov of Chanuka, is associated in Jewish custom, with various forms of entertainment gambling. In Eastern Europe card playing on Chanuka was a traditional pastime for adults while the younger generation of Jews amused themselves with spinning the dreidel. Most of the researchers of Jewish customs associate this gambling custom with the fact that when the Greeks searched Jewish homes and caves for those studying the Torah, the Jews played with dice or cards to distract them and allow those being Moser Nefesh, to hide or escape. Chanuka and this type of entertainment gambling became an accepted part of the Chanuka celebrations in the general Jewish community over a millennia ago. Gambling, in all of its forms, was frowned upon if not actually forbidden by the rabbinic authorities of the ages. This article will discuss various forms of “accepted” gaming and analyze some possible explanations and leniencies. Choshen Mishpat Chiddush: Nittel Nacht- the custom not to learn Torah on the night of December24th Many Eastern European Jewish communities had a custom not to learn Torah on the night of 24-25 December every year. Some Chassidim still adhere to this custom today.

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