Saturday, December 17, 2011

[chicago-aneinu] Important Community Announcement

There will be a daily Tehillim Tele-conference every night this week, from Sunday Dec. 18, through Thursday Dec. 22 from 8:00PM-8:20PM Chicago time, (9:00PM-9:20PM Eastern Time), as a Zechus for Rebbetzin Sora Gluck - Alte Sora Freida bas Ruchoma Aidel Roiza Shoshana. Please dial 401-694-1602 and then the code number is 60645#. We will be saying together a few Perokim of Tehillim, and then saying the appropriate letters from perek 119 for her name and then the prayer for the Choleh. Please forward this to whomever you know, in any city or time zone. This is for all women and girls. May the Zechus of our communal Tehillim be a source of Refuoh for this woman who devoted herself to our community.

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