Wednesday, December 28, 2011

COMING SOON The Family Lesson a Day, Pocket Version The laws of Speech with Stories and Parables, For all ages Written by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman

You can create an everlasting z’chus for a loved one And Make an End-of-Year Charitable Donation to Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation You can link a family member to the merit of Shmiras Haloshon by having thousands of people learn in their z’chus on the day of their yhartzeit Allow the great merit of Shmiras Haloshon to shield and protect your family. Tens of thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to learn two halachos of the laws of Shmiras Haloshon on a daily basis. This quiet revolution has created z’chusim beyond calculation for themselves, their families and all of Klal Yisrael. Dedicate a day or month in a new Sefer Going to Print on January 5!!! The Family Lesson a Day, Pocket Version The laws of Speech with Stories and Parables, For all ages Written by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman The cost to sponsor a day of learning is only $360 A VERY SPECIAL Z’CHUS IS AVAILABLE FOR $1,800 TO SPONSOR ONE MONTH OF LEARNING! That means one entire month of daily lessons, learned by families across the globe, all as a zechus for your loved one. Reserve your day or month in the sefer NOW, email , Fax the attached form to 845-738-1421 or call 845-352-3505-113 during the day and 845-371-0274 in the evening.

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