Thursday, January 19, 2012

CCHF[chicago-aneinu] Request for tehillim

Please continue to say tehillim for Sima Avivah bat Sora Leah (Lacey Horwitch) with bone marrow failure. She is still engrafting, and suffers from so many issues. Her life is still in jeopardy Please continue to say tehillim for Tinok ben Yocheved. He is a NICU recovering from heart surgery. He is still in the hospital post-operation. He is doing well, but not well enough to come home. Please continue to say tehillim for Tinok ben Chana Baila. He matzav is not good and they have noticed that there is brain damage Please continue to say tehillim for Benzion ben Rachel. He had a 9 hour operation. They could not remove the entire tumor. So they are now deciding whether to follow up with radiation or chemotherapy

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