Thursday, January 26, 2012

CCHF Request for tehillim

Please say tehillim for Yosef ben Dina. He is seriously ill. Please say tehillim for Tinok ben Batsheva born at 24 weeks, 1 pound in the NICU Please say tehillim for Ayelet Yakira bas Chaya Hinda Matel Nechama – a baby in a very serious critical condition Please continue to say tehillim for Tinok ben Chana Baila who still is in the ICU Please continue to say tehillim for Rav Wolfson - Rav Moshe ben Freida Rivka who needs therapy after his hip fracture Please continue to say tehillim for Dorit Chaya bat Geula who is showing slow progress recovering from bring hit by a car Please continue tio say tehillim for Menucha Reva bas Chaya who is recovering from a stroke though she has come home.

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