Tuesday, January 17, 2012

FW: Tefillos Needed- Batya Emunah bat Bracha Chaya

Dear Family and Friends, I know we have been bad at updating lately, a lot has gone on since our last email and Batya is going in for her eighth surgery tomorrow. Here is a quick update... Tomorrow is the day! After her long stay in the pediatric ICU, Batya is going in for surgery tomorrow! (We don't know a time just yet). This surgery is crucial for us! As some of you know two shabbosim ago Batya had a bowel obstruction and had surgery to correct it, as a result she got a shunt infection the following Thursday and required removal of the shunt that Friday night. 10 days later, and 10 days clear of infection both neurosurgery and general surgery are ready to internalize the shunt. Because of the recent abdominal surgery the doctors want to be sure her belly is healed and ready for the shunt to be placed in her perinatal cavity. Gd willing we will have the best neurosurgeon and general surgeon taking care of Batya and with Hashems help the the power of tefillah we are hoping everything goes smoothly. As most of you know, we haven't had the best of luck with the shunt in the past (this being her seventh shunt surgery) we are hoping and praying that this surgery be a complete success and Batya should never have to see the OR again (unless she decides to become a surgeon of course) Please please daven, do a mitzvah and keep her in your thoughts throughout the day tomorrow. May Batya Emunah bat Bracha Chaya have a complete refuah sheleima! Aryeh, Brooke and Tzvi Czarka

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