Tuesday, February 28, 2012


(PLEASE LEARN FOR A RUFUA SHELAMA FOR THE GEDOLIM Rav Elyashiv -Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha, Rav Shteinman - Aaron Yehuda Leib ben Gitel Feiga, Rav Weiss - Yitzchak Tuvia ben Rikal, Rav Belsky - NAME ADDDED Chaim Yisroel ben Chana Tzirtel, Rav Yosef - Yaakov Chai ben Margalit And Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, Yitzchok Izak ben Trina Rivka The Nadvorna Rebbe-Yaakov Yissacher Ber ben Sima Reizel Vizhnitzer Rebbe-Moshe Yehoshua ben Margulios for a refuah shleima b’soch kol cholei am Yisrael.)
In this week's Parsha the Torah tells how Hashem commanded Moshe Rabbeinu to instruct the Jewish People concerning bringing donations for the construction of the Mishkan. Although today we no longer have a Mishkan, nor a Bais Hamikdah, the concept of serving Hashem with one's money is very much prevalent, primarily with regard to Tzedakah, the Mitzvah of giving charity. The Torah, when commanding to donate for the Mishkan, states "From every man whose heart motivates him you shall take his donation." The Targum Yonoson Ben Uziel explains this to mean that the Torah specified not to force people to give donations, unlike some other mitzvos which the Beis Din is enjoined to ensure are carried out by all Nonetheless, the mitzvah of giving tzedaka is indeed enforced by Beis Din in some situations and for certain causes. Nowadays, Beis Din does not have the authority to actually force anyone to do anything, but there are instances in which Beis Din can apply social pressure to ensure compliance of the mitzvah of giving charity. PRINT PLUS MORE AUDIO OU AND BAIS HAVAAD Choshen Mishpat - Business Ethics: Tzedaka and Maaser Part I OU AND BAIS HAVAAD Choshen Mishpat - Business Ethics: Tzedaka and Maaser Part II

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