Friday, February 24, 2012

CCHF Request for tehillim

Please say tehillim for the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, Yitzchok Izak ben Trina Rivka whose matzav is very serious Please continue saying tehillim for Rav Elyashav, HaRav Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha. He has made substantial improvement relatively speaking, with an emphasis on the word relative” and the rav is responding to external stimulus now that he has been brought out of the medically induced coma. Please continue saying tehillim for Rav Belsky, Chaim Yisrael Ben Chana Tzirel –name added –his condition is critical Please continue saying tehillim for Menucha Reva bas Chaya who is recovering from a stroke Please say tehillim for Binyamin ben Tzvia. A baby who is undergoing treatments for cancer Please say tehillim for Shilo ben Leah, a two year old who is undergoing treatments for cancer Please say tehillim for Shmuel Shomron ben Devorah a young father with leukemia

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