Thursday, February 9, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] daven at 3:00 pm today...Chicago Time

daven at 4:00 pm today...NY time 3:00 PM Chicago time news report-today On Thursday night at 11:00pm, hundreds of shuls in Eretz Yisrael and around the world will open their doors to mispallalim on behalf of the posek hador, and at 11:55pm, chatzos, they will begin reciting the 13 Midos HaRachamim. The central tefilla will be held at the Kosel. There are also tefilos scheduled in the Ma�aras HaMachpela in Hebron at 11:30pm. Organizers also remind us that during the Second Lebanon War, Rav Elyashiv called for tefilos at the same time, explaining that even though the davening is taking place in different shuls and countries, the koach combines since the focus and time are the same --

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