Monday, February 27, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven for Jonathan Pollard

SPECIAL REQUEST 4 Adar 5772 Please put out the word to Jews everywhere to intensify their prayers on Yehonatan Pollard's behalf THIS SHABBAT and Sunday and Monday while there are meetings between the Prime Minister and Obama. I know it is late notice to get the word out to all the shuls, but whatever you can manage will be a big help, I'm sure. It's very, very important that the Heavens be rocked with our pleas for Yehonatan ben Malka at this very auspicious moment. After all, his freedom is in Hashem's hands and HE can force a reluctant Obama to release him just as he forced Pharoh to release Bnei Yisrael from Mitzrayim. No other cause unites Bnei Yisrael like the desire to see justice for Yehonatan Pollard and unity will stand us all in good stead right now. Please repost this in your blogs and on your facebook pages. The matter is urgent. In the spirit of Purim and Pesach and with love of Yisrael, Devash

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