Monday, February 6, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Say 102 for Rav Elyashiv

From Rabbi Yaakov Azose: Please Pray for Rav Elyashiv Shlit"a Rav Elyashiv is in critical condition at Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital, and needs Hashem's mercy. Rav Amar said, "Kelal Yisrael needs him, and he protects the entire generation. I call on all those praying to accept upon themselves to say Chapter 102 of Tehilim for his complete recovery." From YWN: With the news arriving from Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center that the condition of Maran Hagon Rav Elyashiv has deteriorated, and is R”L in critical condition, Hagon Rav Aron Leib Shteinman has sent out the following urgent message to the heads of Yeshivos: “Stop the Seder Halimud, and be Mispallel for the Posek HaDor”. As of this posting (2:30PM EST), the blood pressure of Rav Elyashiv has been dropping, and he is having severe difficulty breathing, due to the fluid in his lungs. Please be Mispallel for Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha. If we should stop even Torah learning, how much more so should we stop all the other Shtuyot we might be doing. Let's storm the heavens. blog here

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