Monday, February 6, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update on HaRav Elyashiv - Please Daven!!!

Yeshiva World TEHILLIM – Update on Maran HaRav Elyashiv’s Shlita Condition [UPDATED 2:48PM EST] (Monday, February 6th, 2012) 2:48PM EST: R’ Shlomo Kook, the official spokesperson for the home of Rav Elyashiv, tells YWN that the situation remains extremely critical. Family members have gathered at the room of the Posek HaDor, and are reciting Tehillim. Additionally, Askonim in the medicine field have been rushed to the hospital. Reb Miliech Firer of Ezra LeMarpeh is enroute from Bnei Brak via police escort. EARLIER REPORTS BELOW: 2:15PM EST: Sources in Shaarei Tzedek Hospital tell YWN that the condition of the Posek HaDor has taken a turn for the worse, and he is R”L in critical condition. Yeshivos throughout Eretz Yisroel and around the world are saying Tehillim. Our sources confirm that a Minyan of the Gadol HaDor’s family are in the room saying Tehillim. Please be Mispallel for Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha. 09:30 IL: It is being reported that Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita is connected to oxygen to assist his breathing. Officials at Shaare Zedek Medical Center report that this morning, Monday, 13 Shevat 5772, the medical team will begin efforts to remove the fluid from the rav’s lungs, apparently the result of diminished cardiac output. As was reported on Sunday night , the rav was taken to the hospital in a mobile intensive care unit complaining of difficulty breathing. UPDATE 4:15PM IL: Rav Elyashiv remains admitted to Shaare Zedek Medical Center and it appears his condition is not good, suffering from difficulty breathing. Issues being addressed by his medical team seem to be focusing on diminished cardiac outpost and the resulting fluid in his lungs, He remains on oxygen therapy. He has been undergoing tests and doctors continue working to stabilize his condition. The rav’s spokesman, Rav Shlomo Kook reports the rav is “extremely weak and we hope the doctors will be good shluchim”. The tzibur is urged to be mispallel for Rav Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem) efilos and concern can best describe the atmosphere in Eretz Yisrael as the tzibur at large davens for the refuah of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita. The following information is from combined sources, including media statements from Shaare Zedek Medical Center, from MK Moshe Gafne and Uri Maklev. In addition, information is from the director of Shaare Zedek, Professor Yonatan Halevy, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Yitzchak Pindrus, Kol Chai Radio and Kol B’rama Radio. Rav Elyashiv is listed in critical/stable condition. The gadol hador is in a medically induced coma and connected to a mechanical respirator, fighting the fluid buildup in his lungs, the result of diminished cardiac output as seen in congestive heart failure. Advertise On YWN » Family members are in the hospital, where hundreds continue to gather, compelling hospital security and police to deploy additional manpower to keep people outside. Officials report that while the avreichim and rabbonim mean well, they are not assisting the rav’s situation and they are hampering hospital personnel, interfering with them. Additional security has been placed at the second floor entrance to the emergency room, the hospital’s night entrance. In the meantime, taxis are driving around frum neighborhoods with PA systems calling on the tzibur to come to the Kosel to join the mispallalim, now numbering over 1,000 and growing rapidly. Egged has activated drivers and is running buses from frum areas to the Kosel. Many Yerushalayim yeshivos are heading to the Kosel on foot, realizing buses are overcrowded and traffic around the Old City is backing up as police have closed the area down. According to all reports, the only thing left is tefilos, and in Eretz Yisrael, shuls are opening around the country as mispallalim gather to recite tehillim. There are reports of a number of shuls opening in Brooklyn, New York as well, hooking into chareidi radio stations that are bringing special coverage from yeshivos, the Kosel and periodic updates from the hospital. YWN-ISRAEL will continue updating readers on the rav’s condition as information is being made available to the media. Announcements have already been made designating tomorrow, Tuesday, 14 Shevat as a yom tefilla, and talmidei torah and yeshivos will be continuing around-the-clock tehillim for leader of Torah Jewry. The tzibur is urged to continue davening and reciting tehillim for Yosef Sholem ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael. UPDATE 11:55PM IL: Rav Shlomo Kook, who is a spokesman for Beis Rav Elyashiv, reports the rav’s condition at this time is “very very serious”. The tzibur is urged to continue davening and reciting tehillim for Yosef Sholem ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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