Thursday, February 23, 2012

CCHF [chicago-aneinu]Live Tehillim Teleconference tonight\Machsom L'fi

Please call in tonight at 10:45 pm 9:45 PM Chicago time for a special Tehillim Teleconference for Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, shlita. (9:30PM Chicago time) Yisroel ben Chana Tzirel. 718-258-2008 press menu option 9 selection 1 In addition, it is well-known that a machsom l'fi is a proven way to merit refuos and yeshuos. We ask everyone to take on the morning machsom l'fi , to be extra careful in matters of speech from 9am-10 am every day as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, shlita R'Yisroel ben Chana Tzirel bsoch shaar cholei Yisrael. Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

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