Monday, February 13, 2012


(PLEASE LEARN FOR A REFUA SHELAMA FOR HARAV YOSEF SHALOM BEN CHAYA MUSHA) I need you to open your hearts in the deepest depths. There are people in the world who never change, they just don’t ever change. You can show them 'you are wrong', they don’t care. There are some people who can see the greatest tragedy in the world and not get one ounce deeper. There are some people… G-d can show them the greatest joy in the world, they still walk around with a long nose, and they just don’t change. Then there are people, whatever happens to them touches them so deep, they become different people after. I don’t mean different that you don’t recognize them, but something happened to them inside. So Yisro heard that there are two kinds of people in the world. Yidden and Amalek. Yisro hears about the crossing of the Red Sea. Do you know why the water changed for us Jewish people when we crossed the Red Sea? Because we changed… we all changed and became who we are. You know something? We are changing before G-d every second, every second. The water mamesh saw a whole nation of people who are changing their heart and their souls before G-d every second. So the water said 'I am changing with you, what do you need me to be right now? You need to walk through the water? I am with you all the way. Then Yisro heard about Amalek. All the miracles are happening to the Jews, you see there is one G-d and you don’t change? Amalek doesn’t change. So you know what it is?

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