Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reprinting Pocket Companion Shmiras Haloshon Sefer in 1 Week!!- ARE ANY OF THESE DATES MEANINGFUL TO YOU? For only $360, Create an Everlasting Z'chus for a Loved One!

You can create an everlasting z’chus for a loved one By being a partner in the publication from Chofetz Chaim Heritage You can link a family member to the merit of Shmiras Haloshon by having thousands of people learn in their z’chus on the day of their yahrtzeit Allow the great merit of Shmiras Haloshon to shield and protect your family. Dedicate a day from the remaining 10 dates available in Pocket Companion The cost to sponsor a day of learning is only $360 Reserve your day or month in the sefer NOW, email or call 845-352-3505 ext. 104. Available Dates 7,8 Tamuz 12, 27 Av 23, 28 Tishrei 7, 18 Cheshvon 16, 17 Shvat

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