Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A short Insight into SHMUEL 1, Chapter 28 By Rabbi Nisson Dov Miller

(PLEASE LEARN FOR A REFUA SHELAMA FOR HARAV YOSEF SHALOM BEN CHAYA MUSHA) After Shaul mobilized his troops to prepare for battle against the Philistines in Shunam, Shaul inquired of Hashem, but did not receive a response in a dream, through the Urim V'tumim nor through a prophet. Then Shaul told his servants (verse 7), “Seek out a woman who practices necromancy and I will go to her and inquire through her.” The Netziv (Devarim 18,4) explains that while with regard to personal matters a person should follow G-d with perfect faith and not feel a need to know what will happen in the future, nonetheless, at a time of war, when it is not clear what path to choose and lives are endangered, one can inquire into what the future holds in store. This was the reasoning of Shaul Hamelech, the Netziv writes, when he sought out the necromancer. The verses state (Devarim 18, 14), “For these nations that you are possessing they hearkened to astrologers and diviners; but as for you … A prophet from your midst … shall Hashem establish for you.” Clearly, if there are no prophets to seek out nor an Urim V'tumim to get Divine direction from it is implied that for national matters it would be permitted to seek our even a necromancer . One might ask how can this be permitted? After all, we see in Divrei Hayamim 1 (10 ,13) that Shaul died partially because of this sin! As the verse relates, “And Shaul died … and also for consulting the necromancy .. and not seeking out Hashem.

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