Tuesday, February 7, 2012

YWN Tefilos at the Kever of Rav Shach ZT”L

At 2:00pm Israel time, tefilos on behalf of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita will begin at the kever of Maran Rav Eliezer Menachem Mann Shach ZT”L. Tefilos continue at the Kosel as well. Rav Elyashiv’s condition is reported to be “serious/stable” at 1:30pm local time. The rav is being checked by Professor Holtzman, a kidney specialist, after which he will discuss his findings with the medical team caring for the gadol hador. The rav has been successfully resuscitated, his cardiac output is significantly compromised, his kidneys are not functioning, and other vital organs are fighting to continue minimal output. Doctors have expressed astonishment as the rav’s ability to fight considering his age, 101. Rav Yosef Sholom be Chaya Musha Elyashiv Shlita remains in an intensive care unit on life support. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is visiting Shaare Zedek at this time, accompanied by Deputy Mayor Rav Yitzchak Pindrus. Advertise On YWN » The tehillim hotline established on Monday, 13 Shevat, is still operational. Persons wishing to take part are encouraged to phone 052-71-77-111. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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