Monday, March 19, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update and Plea For Help

You may have heard about an accident that occurred on March 6 in Lakewood. A week after his bar mitzvah, Chaim Yosef Meir ben Miriam Henya got hit by accident on his head with a baseball bat, thrown by another boy, and sustained a severe brain injury as a result. He was not actually playing baseball at the time; he was dancing with some friends nearby because Purim was coming. When I read this story on a website called and I saw that people were posting chapters of tehillim that they were saying in consecutive order of sefer Tehillim for his refuah shelaima, I joined in the effort. At a certain point when I saw that the efforts were dwindling, I took it upon myself to try to keep the tehillim going non-stop by emailing those I knew to join in the effort. Someone brought to the attention of this young boy’s father that there was a person named “Goldy” (that’s me) who kept posting day and night that her relatives and friends were saying chapters of tehillim to keep the tehillim chain going. He contacted me through the website this past Thursday and invited me to come visit him and his wife and his son in the hospital, to say thank you in person. So yesterday afternoon I and my husband went to visit Chaim Yosef Meir and his parents at the hospital. It was a very uplifting experience. I met two wonderful parents who have tremendous bitachon and emunah in Hashem. The father told me that when his son first came to the hospital, the doctors told them he may not survive the night. Then they said the next day that he would probably only live for ten days because most of his organs were not functioning properly. Baruch Hashem the doctors were proved wrong. A few days later all the organs that were not functioning properly came back to full function. Why, according to his parents? Because of the tefillos and tehillim being said by relatives, friends and strangers all around the world. The only organ that has not gotten back to proper functioning yet is Chaim Yosef Meir’s brain. The parents expressed to me how much chizuk they are getting knowing that people care enough to take time out of their busy schedules to daven for their son. I told the parents that I will try to keep this tehillim going until we hear besoros tovos. I need your help to accomplish this goal. We are now in the middle of the 15th cycle of sefer Tehillim since March 6. If you ever find yourself with a few minutes of time to say a chapter or more of tehilim, please email me at and I will assign you a chapter(s) based on where we are up to in the sefer (indicate how many chapters you would like to say). If I am on the computer at the time you email me I will answer you within a few minutes. If I am offline I will email you when I get back on and I will make sure you are on at the same time before I assign you the chapter(s). You can say the chapter(s) within a few hours after I assign it to you. YOU ONLY SAY THE CHAPTER(S) ONE TIME, NOT DAILY. If you want to say different chapters another day, email me again when you have time and I will email you back where we are up to in the sefer at that point in time. If you prefer, you can go on the website yourself ( and find the latest posting on the story. Then you can sign your name (real or otherwise) in the comments section and indicate which chapter(s) you would like to say based on where the previous poster left off. If the story is not on the first page, go to OLDER POSTS on the bottom, and go backwards until you get to the story. If you have a problem with this, email me and I will direct you. Please note that your comment/posting will not appear immediately on the site as the moderator has to approve each posting. Therefore, because of the delay, some people may end up saying the same chapters, which is totally fine. The father of this young boy recently posted on the site, “We cannot thank everyone enough for their efforts on behalf of our son. While it has been very difficult, your chizuk has had a profound impact. Currently Chaim Yosef Meir is much more stable than when he first entered the hospital BH . The prognosis regarding the brain injury though has never been good even from the beginning. Please daven for Chaim Yosef Meir Ben Miriam Henya and don’t let up. Have in mind ‘ein od milvado’ not only by davening but throughout your daily ups and downs. IY”H my next post will be when together with all our tefilos we will see the Yad Hashem that Chaim Yosef Meir will have a complete refuah shlaima.” We do not want to let this family down. We do not want them to think we have forgotten about them. Also keep in mind that there is another boy suffering as well – the boy who accidentally threw the bat that hit Chaim Yosef Meir’s head. Please forward this email to your friends and relatives…the more people who join in, the longer we can keep this tehillim chain going until, be”H, this young boy will not need tehillim said for him anymore because Hashem will grant him a refuah shelaima. And may our efforts bring a refuah shelaima as well to all the cholim of Klal Yisrael. Tizku l’mitzvos. Dasi

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