Thursday, March 22, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Wonderful News! Update on Baby w/ Whooping Cough

Last January we were asked to daven for a 7 month old in Lakewood that had whooping cough. The baby was in critical condition and had the name Rephael added. I received the following update: Hi Chaya Miriam, I wanted to give you some good news. My nephew, Rephael Yisroel Meir ben Sarah Gittel, came home from the hospital today after almost 3 months in the hospital! Although he still has a way to go to a full recovery and tefillos are still requested, we are all very excited about this real step forward. It was a tremendous Kiddush Hashem, as the hospital staff consider the fact that he survived and actually got to this point to be a true miracle. Please forward the family's continued thanks to all those who were davening. Shira Steinberg

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