Wednesday, March 28, 2012

YWN FDNY Partners With Jewish Leaders For A Fire Safe Pesach

Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano, Chief of Department Edward Kilduff, Brooklyn Borough Commander Chief James Leonard, FDNY Chaplain Rabbi Joseph Potasnik and several staff chiefs welcomed more than 30 Jewish leaders to FDNY Headquarters on March 28, to discuss ways to keep their communities fire safe during Pesach. FDNY fire safety initiatives have significantly reduced the number of burn injuries during the holiday, which includes customs such as bread burning and lighting candles. “We all have the same goal today – to save lives,” Commissioner Cassano said. “It’s all about working together for fire safety, while still maintaining your rich traditions.” Advertise On YWN » Several years ago there were multiple burn injuries reported during Pesach that prompted the FDNY to coordinate education programs in the Jewish community about ways they can safely continue their traditions and reduce injury rates. As a result, burn injuries are down significantly – with only one minor injury reported in 2011 and none in 2010. “The more of this information we can get into the community and the more we work together, the better off we’ll all be,” Chief Kilduff said. During the discussion at Headquarters, Chiefs Kilduff and Leonard gave a presentation that included photos from fires that occurred during previous Passover holidays, noting how they started and ways they could be prevented. They also provided many fire safety tips for the home. Members of the Fire Safety Education Unit also attended the discussion, to answer any questions and hand out stacks of literature both english and yiddish. As the meeting concluded, many of the Jewish leaders thanked the FDNY for its commitment to keeping fire deaths and injuries down in their communities. “We’re trying to be sensitive to your needs, but also keep everyone safe,” Chief Leonard said. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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