Thursday, March 22, 2012

YWN OU Kosher Addresses Kashrus of Keurig (Including Pesach)

Coffee throughout the ages has played an important and often critical role in people’s lives and daily operation. Be it in the halls of the bais medrash, at work, or even waking in the morning, many individuals look toward coffee as a vital boost to their daily energy. In fact, this beverage is so important to some that the Mishna Berura (89:22) rules that one may drink unsweetened black coffee before Shacharis in the morning, so that he will be able to daven with the proper concentration. This seemingly innocuous beverage has been almost universally accepted as kosher, with little issue regarding the vessels used, as most coffee machines are dedicated only for coffee. Recent technological advances in the beverage industry have allowed for private individuals to enjoy the taste of fresh brewed coffee — once the exclusive domain of coffee houses — in the privacy of their own home or workplace. This remarkable machine, known as a Keurig® brewer, allows one to brew coffee through the use of specially patented K-Cup® packs in a matter of seconds. Keurig brewers allow for specific varieties and blends for each individual, without having to make large batches or wait long periods of time for it to brew. Although this may seem very simple and easy to the average consumer, numerous halachic components need to be addressed to maintain the kashrus of the brewer. Included in these topics are the possibility of non-certified K-Cup® packs, kashering, Pesach status, and tevilas kaylim.

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