Sunday, April 22, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven for Boy Attacked by Arabs

A 13-year-old chareidi youth was attacked by Arabs in the Shar Shechem (Nablus Gate) of Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday night. He was hit by a marble fired with a slingshot. His injury is reported to be light-to-moderate. The victim was hospitalized. Police are investigating. The young Breslov chossid explained that a group of 8-to-10-year-old Arabs surrounded him and when he tried to flee he was struck in the eye with the stone. He was returning from Shabbos tefilos at the Kosel when he was attacked. The young victim underwent surgery to save his eye in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital but doctors explain he is still in danger of losing the injured eye. His name for Tehillim is Nosson ben Sarah b’soch kol cholei am yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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