Monday, April 30, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update on Rubashkin case

A few updates on the case of Sholom Rubashkin: As you might have already heard, lawyers for Sholom Rubashkin -- Paul Clement and Nathan Lewin -- recently filed a cert petition to the Supreme Court asking the court to hear the case. This past Friday, an excellent Op-Ed was co-authored by two prominent professors, Alan Dershowitz and Ronald Rotunda. you can see it by clicking here. Please forward it to all your friends and post the link on your facebook page! Also, 50 congressmen have thus far written to the Attorney General urging for an investigation into prosecutorial misconduct and Sholom's draconian 27-year sentence. Please help with still much needed funds for Sholom's legal defense: May Sholom Rubashkin indeed see the justice he so deserves.

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