Monday, May 7, 2012

CCHF Request for tehillim

Please continue saying tehillim for Shmuel Shomron ben Devora – He is undergoing a bone marrow transplant today Please say tehillim for Eytan Chai ben Sara – who was severely injured in a work related accident Please say tehillim for Gittel Kayla bas Leiba Please continue to say tehillim for Aida bat Fiby – who went in hospital for pneumonia and has complications Please continue to say tehillim for Blima Pessel bas Esther Please continue to say tehillim for Zirel bas Chaya – who is very ill Please continue to say tehillim for Shalom Dovid ben Bracha Margalit – an 8 year old boy on chemotherapy Please continue to say tehillim for Fraida bas Sara, she is in the hospital with high levels of toxication caused by a medication Please continue saying tehillim for Devora Chiyena bas Eliyitta, a mother of five, with stage 4 cancer Please continue to say tehillim for Tzirel bas Chaya - with many complications and in and out of the hospital Please continue to say tehillim for Devorah Tziporah bas Pesel Please continue to say tehillim for Shilo ben Leah – who is being treated for cancer Please continue to say tehillim for Yehudit Malka bas Rivka Perl –who has cancer with metastases Please continue to say tehillim for Gittel bas Devorah Sora – still recovering from bone marrow transplant Please continue to say tehillim for Nosson ben Ella - who is in a coma Please continue to say tehillim for Rabbi Brevda – Shlomo Leib ben Miryam – suffering with cancer Please continue to say tehillim for Binyomin ben Rochel – a diabetic who lost use of his legs and is now blind Please continue to say tehillim for Yehonoson ben Malka Please continue to say tehillim for Yoel Refael ben Bluma Gittel Boruch Dayan HaEmes – Shaindal Bracha bas Chaya a”h

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