Thursday, May 17, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update - Boy Burned on Lag B'Omer

I received the following update from the aunt of Avraham Abba ben Beruria, the boy burned in the Lag B'Omer fire in Beitar: I wanted to share some good news with you. There is a new young head of the plastic surgery department and yesterday he examined Avremi’s burns and decided to use a dressing that does not need changing for one week. Once he established that he then decided that it would be better for him (mental health) to let him go home on” vacation.” So last night we bandaged him with the new medication and carried him to the car with lots of pain medication and brought him home. He was very happy to be home but he was in very bad pain. The new bandaging is “dry” and until it releases fluid it burns him. We doped him up as much as we could and I am waiting to hear how the night went. Being at home is probably the best medicine for him. Let’s hope for the best.

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