Wednesday, May 9, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update on Boy in Japan Prison

As Lag Beomer approaches a quick reminder and update As previously reported the MOJ in Japan have already confirmed that they will shortly send their final approval for the transfer of Yakov Yosef. Although attempts were made to try to get the transfer done before Pesach, at the last moment the Japanese have asked Israel to confirm a minor issue which was done before Pesach and caused a further delay. During Pesach the MOJ in Israel were in contact with the MOJ in Japan and they confirmed that they were looking through the parole laws all of which they are now fully satisfied with and they will be sending their final approval shortly. Since then other efforts have been done to try to receive the approval fast, and the outcome was that the MOJ are in the process of sending the approval and the transfer can be expedited. They as well confirmed that there's no need to push any longer and we should hear from them shortly. Most of last week was a national holiday in Japan so nothing could have really happened, but we do hope that this week will be the week that they will send their final approval once and for all. In the meantime Yakov Yosef is doing BH well. His spirits are better than of before Pesach. His father and the shliach Chabad Rabbi Binyomin Edery visits often and visited before and during Pesach and still continues to do so. "כדאי הוא רבי שמעון לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק" Yakov Yosef has been locked up for 1497 days now and this Friday will be 1500 days !! Please continue to daven for Yakov Yosef ben Reisel.

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