Thursday, May 10, 2012


Come on, admit it, you weren’t convinced we were really back. Well, we are happy to say, we are back with the release Episode #2! This is a show you will not want to miss! It’s our first regular music show and boy do we have some major stuff! We have new music from Avraham Fried, Yaakov Shwekey, Yehuda Green, A.K.A. Pella, we bring you an EXCLUSIVE preview of Shloime Taussig’s exciting follow up to Modim Anachnu, you gotta hear it! We also not only have a preview but are the first ones to announce breaking Jewish music. OHEL’s THE MUSIC WE LOVE concert is coming to Double CD & DVD! This concert was filmed in state of the art true HD, and will be introducing a revolutionary new concept to concert releases. We can’t tell you what it is yet, but we can play a preview from one of the songs. Hear Benny Friedman and Shloime Gertner sing a timeless MBD/FRIED medley. It’s just a taste but it will leave you dying for more! We also play new music from Sruly Green, whos single was just released and an EXCLUSIVE full length track from Mendy Werzberger’s upcoming CD. We update you on other new happenings and releases in Jewish music including new releases like Lipa’s new Leap of Faith, and 8th Day’s “All You Got”, announce some news in the world of female Jewish music and newly released youtube videos (including these from Neshoma Orchestra here and here and YStuds here.) We also go down memory lane with 8th Day in honor of Lag Baomer, with their “Bar Yochai” track from their debut album. Be sure to listen for the trivia contest. Send us an email with your answer and win a brand new CD. You can email us at

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