Thursday, May 24, 2012

YWN Reality Check – Update on R’ Elyashiv’s Condition

The following update is provided by Dr. Eli Susheim in an interview he granted to Kaf HaChashifut regarding the condition of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita. In recent updates regarding the status of R’ Elyashiv, reports spoke of the gadol hador davening with a minyan on Shabbos, wearing a shtreimel and sitting in a lounge chair. According to Dr. Susheim, these reports are baseless unfortunately and simply inaccurate. Dr. Susheim was asked to give a report on the gadol hador’s condition and if it is within the realm of reality to contemplate transferring the posek to his home. An Overview of the Interview … There is no improvement in the rav’s condition. It is out of the question. The rav cannot be transferred to his home and it is not possible to transfer all the medical equipment that would be necessary for such a move. The rav must remain in the Shaare Zedek Medical Center intensive care unit where is has been during recent weeks and months. Q: We are told the rav’s condition has improved and he has even begun to speak There is absolutely no basis for these reports. I have not merited seeing any special improvement. The fact that his condition remains stable, respirations, blood pressure, pulse and blood oxygenation are relatively stable due to the ongoing efforts by the hospital and this is good in its own right but to speak of a ‘significant improvement’ is far far off. One must realize the rav is still on a respirator and usually completely anesthetized, non-responsive but there are hand movements, he opens his eyes but I haven’t merited hearing anything verbal communications during my visits. We yearn and if only it were so, a drastic improvement, but this is not the case. I have not seen any such change. I was bothered to hear these reports when I know with absolute certainty that the reports are a far cry from reality and the facts concerning his case. This has been the situation not for weeks or days, but for over two months, and we must realize his kidneys have ceased to function and the rav has dialysis three times weekly to cleanse his bloodstream of impurities. Regarding his condition I would say that there is life, existence, but still requiring the full support of the medical staff which demands the intensive care unit environment. There is no logic to speaking about bringing him home. This is simply unrealistic. He needs the ICU. This is simply not a possibility. Q: Is the rav aware of his surroundings and the comings and goings around him? I see him open his eyes but have not heard him speak or hear any verbal communication. It is possible that we would like to believe there is a level of internal awareness but this is not being manifest externally in the form of verbal communication or any other means signaling a conscious awareness. Dr. Susheim emphasizes the need to continue tefilos for the posek hador, HaRav Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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