Tuesday, June 5, 2012

CCHF Request for tehillim - correctd names

Please tehillim for Eliyahu Yosef ben Freidel Rochel – who has serious heart problems Please say tehillim for Mina Sora Merril bas Esther Hazel – who has lung cancer and a stroke Please say tehillim for Akiva Yosef ben Miriam Rochel – who is in the ICU Please say tehillim for Perel Sarah bas Chaya Malka – a mother of a newborn who is very ill Please say tehillim for Rivka bat Shulamit Miriam – a ten year old Please continue saying tehillim for Devora Chiyena bas Eliyitta, a mother of five, with stage 4 cancer Please continue to say tehillim for Shmuel Shomron ben Dvora–still recovering from bone marrow transplant Please continue to say tehillim for Gittel bas Devorah Sora – still recovering from bone marrow transplant

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