Monday, June 18, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven for Reb. Altusky

From one of the teachers at Reb. Altusky's seminary: Tehillim mechulak l'refuas Fruma Rochel Bas Basha We are gathering together in a joint effort to daven for a Refuah Sh'leima for Rebetzin Altusky, Fruma Rochel Bas Basha. She was hit by a car last week and is dealing with multiple injuries, a collapsed lung, and is on a respirator. Tonight's Tehillim conference call went very well, b'h. It should be a zchus for a refuah shleima for Rebetzin Altusky, our tefillos should be answered . Tomorrow night iyh and until further notice, we will be holding a tehillim conference call at the same time. 10:00 pm Israel time, 3:00 pm NY time. It went for 15 minutes, but we plan to go a bit longer tomorrow night. We had close to 50 people tonight, on very short notice, and hope to have more tomorrow iyh. Additionally, several people called in too late, we had already finished. As I said, we'll go a little longer tomorrow iyh, we didn't know how much we'd have time for and didn't want to overshoot. The number for the call is 401-694-1602, the pin number is 9303. When you join, please press 6 to mute your phone, and if you hang up before it's over, exit the call first by pressing 3. We have created a google spreadsheet that will allow you to sign up for perakim to say daily for the refuah sheleima of Rebbetzin Altusky. The spreadsheet is divided by individual perakim, but you can certainly sign up for multiple perakim. However, please only sign up for as many perakim as you feel you can say. If for whatever reason you realize you cannot commit to saying the perakim you have signed up for, please remove your name and those slots will become available for someone else to take. We would like to finish sefer Tehillim as many times as possible, so please only sign up in the open slots that are part of a started column. As each column is completed, we can start subsequent ones. (at the top of the column, it will state the percentage of how full it is ). The spreadsheet is cloud-based so any and all changes you make are automatically saved and everyone can see. As such, please refrain from making any formatting changes. We are making a commitment at this time until shiva asar b'tamuz, (July 7) , iy'h we hope that Reb Altusky will have a complete refuah by then, but we will check in at that time, and renew our commitments if necessary. Thank you to Bracha Berman and Atara Weiss for organizing and administrating this effort. Any questions or comments should please be directed to Bracha at and to Atara at They are also responsible to add columns as needed. Click on the link to join. Tehillim mechulak l'refuas Fruma Rochel Bas Basha --

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