Friday, June 15, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update on Rebbetzin Altusky

I received the this update on Rebbetzin Altusky from an Aneinu friend in Eretz Yisroel: Yesterday, Rebbetzin Altusky, the daughter of the late Rav Sheinberg ztl, was hit by a car near Center One in Jerusalem and was unfortunately badly hurt. There were a lot of rumors flying, but this update I just directly heard from a close talmid here in Mattesdorf: Her ankle was very badly crushed, the surgery is over and she is in a lot pain so sedated [but NOT on respirator, not, not, not c"v] but needs tefillos, because they are not sure if they succeeded in saving her foot...So please daven for Fruma Rochel bas Basha le'refua shleima b'soch sh'or cholei Yisroel. May we have only good news to share. Gut Shabbos.

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