Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] A Call to Action: This Tisha B’Av, Remember Yanky Ostreicher

Please daven for Yaakov Yehudah ben Shaindel (Tehillim below) A Call to Action from Assemblyman Dov Hikind: This Tisha B’Av, Remember Yanky Ostreicher Wednesday July 25, 2012 5:19 PM By Dov Hikind It has been 419 days - nearly 15 months - since Jacob Ostreicher was arrested and jailed in Bolivia. Our many efforts to help Jacob have resulted in letters to Bolivian officials, the U.S. State Department and the White House from numerous elected officials. There has been a Congressional Sub-Committee Hearing on the violation of Jacob’s human rights. But despite this, our brother Jacob Ostreicher seems no closer to coming home. But we have not given up hope. And neither can you. My office and I continue to meet regularly with Jacob’s family and to recruit new allies in the fight to save Jacob. We continue to pressure Bolivia and U.S. elected officials to treat this matter with the urgency that it deserves. You can do the same. As Tisha B’Av approaches, I urge everyone to not only daven for Jacob (Yaakov Yehudah ben Shaindel) but also to call the offices of Senator Charles Schumer (phone 212-486-4430) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (212-688-6262) and express your growing alarm for Jacob Ostreicher, an innocent U.S. citizen who sits in prison praying for salvation and who needs the assistance of his elected officials. Demand that your elected representatives adopt Jacob’s cause and bring his plight to the White House and State Department. In the merit of our efforts may we hear and share only good news. {Dov Newscenter}

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