Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fwd: JDeal will double your donation in honor of the 1st yahrzeit of Leiby Kl...


Sent: 7/1/2012 5:31:02 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: JDeal will double your donation in honor of the 1st yahrzeit of Leiby Kletzky $9 Donation gives $18 to the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund's Summer Camp Division
The Deal
Your donation until 07/09/2012 is

Even a full year later, we have all been deeply affected by Leiby's tragic passing. Many of us want desperately to do good deeds in his name but aren't quite sure how to go about it. Fortunately, Leiby's parents Nachman & Esty Kletzky have created this fund to honor Leiby's memory as a way to do good for the community. The Fund hopes to raise one million dollars overall for its projects on behalf of children. Today, Sunday, is Leiby's first yahrtzeit (anniversary of his death); and with today's jdeal, your donation of $9 in his memory will be matched to provide $18 to the Leiby Kletzky Safe Summer Camp fund.

The mission of the Leiby Kletzky Safe Camp Fund, a project of the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund, is to protect children growing up in troubled homes. These children live all year in a tense environment and suffer from nervousness, anxiety, stress and neglect. They know not a carefree youth and have yet to feel the affection of someone close. They face constant angst at the place they call home and by the very people who are supposed to love and protect them. For these unfortunate children, summer camp is a safe haven - a desperately needed respite. For these children camp is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity that literally changes their lives. For these kids, summer vacation isn't just freedom from school, homework and tests. It is freedom from abuse, isolation and neglect. At a safe summer camp, these children are provided for with care, affection, and fun, that unlike most children, they don't experience all year long. The Leiby Kletzky Camp Fund provides these children with clothing, shoes, bedding - whatever they lack - due to a lifetime of deprivation. The benefits of summer camp last a lifetime and are means by which these children can learn and grow.

Through today's kindness and generosity, we can revive the hope and promise that was threatened with Leiby's death. Donate today on Leiby's Yahrzeit , and let's keep his legacy alive.

The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund has been established under a recognized 501(c)(3) IRS tax-exempt non-profit organization, Khal BLev Echod.

Deal available through 07/09/2012.
Make as many donations as you'd like.
Donation will automatically be made to the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund on your behalf.

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Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund | 5225 New Utrecht Avenue | Brooklyn | NY | 11219

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