Sunday, July 22, 2012


(PLEASE LEARN THIS FOR THE REFUA SHELAMA OF Rav Shteinman - Aaron Yehuda Leib ben Gitel Feiga, Rav Weiss - Yitzchak Tuvia ben Rikal, Rav Belsky - NAME ADDDED Chaim Yisroel ben Chana Tzirtel, Rav Yosef - Yaakov Chai ben Margalit Harav Shlomo Leib Ben Miriam - HaRav Shlomo Brevda Harav Yeshaya Yaakov Ben Raizel - HaRav Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal Harav Meshulem Fish Ben Tziril - The Toshe Rebbe Rav Yerachmiel Shlomo Hakohen ben Raizel. -Rav Yerachmiel Shlomo Rothenberg, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva of Mountaindale Rav Shaul ben Pasha-Gavaad Zurich, Switzerland and rav of Beis Medrash Agudas Achim for a refuah shleima b’soch kol cholei am Yisrael.)(AND L"N RAV YOSEF SHALOM BEN RAV AVRAHAM(RAV ELYASHIV ZT"L)
Translated by Rabbi Chanan Morrison Parshat Masei Moses was worried. Who would lead the Israelites after his death? "Moses spoke to God, saying, 'Let God ... appoint a man over the community. ... Let God's community not be like sheep that have no shepherd.' God told Moses, 'Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man of spirit, and lay your hand on him’… Moses did as God ordered him. He took Joshua and had him stand before Elazar the kohen and before the entire community. He then laid his hands on him and commissioned him." (Num. 27:15-22) Joshua's appointment to replace Moses was clearly a critical point in the spiritual and political development of the Jewish people. Every aspect of this sensitive transition was significant. Yet, several details in the Torah's account require clarification. Why did Moses first refer to the people as "the community" and later as "God's community"? Why did Moses place both hands on Joshua, in contradiction to God's command to "lay your hand on him"? Material and Spiritual Leadership The Jewish people require two types of leadership. Like any other nation, they need leadership in material matters — economic, military, political, and social. In addition, as bearers of God's Torah, they require spiritual guidance. Capable leadership will lead to success in both areas, revealing the greatness of Israel. All will recognize the wisdom and the beauty of their ways, as befits a special people who enlighten the world with spiritual knowledge and holiness. In his plea before God, Moses referred to the people both as "the community" and as "God's community." Moses requested that they have a leader for all of their needs, both material — as any community — and spiritual — as God's community. One or Two Leaders?

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