Friday, August 10, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Letter from Reb. Kanievsky a"h

This was sent by Rabbi Baruch Lederman, Rav of Kehilas Torah in San Diego, in his weekly email . DVAR TORAH: Eikev by Rabbi Baruch Lederman Rashi teaches us that not only do we need to be careful about the 'big' mitzvos, we have to be diligent with regards to performance of the 'small' mitzvos - the mitzvos that are commonly ignored and 'trampled'. No one of us would ever think of robbing a bank, commiting murder, or worshiping idols; but there are 'small' everyday transgressions such as gossip that we may commit every day. When you are careful to guard your tongue, amazing things can happens as the following open letter written by Rebbetzin B. Kanievsky illustrates: We need your tefilos (prayers)! The situation in Eretz Yisroel is very difficult- In recent months, we have witnessed numerous, terrible tragedies and illnesses, which have left many orphans and widows. H-shem should save us. One day, a group of people came to my husband, Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a to ask him why all these tragedies are occurring. The Rav opened a Gemara and pointed out the answer: improper speech is the cause and we can alleviate the situation ONLY by guarding our tongues. Harav Segal of Manchester zt"l wrote in an article: "I have not seen in my lifetime a person who has-learned, two halachos (laws) in Shmiras Haloshon (guarding the tongue) everyday, who hasn't been helped with having children, finding a marriage partner, recovering from illness, earning a livelihood or properly raising children." Rav Segal promised that if a person learned Sefer Chofetz Chaim (Sefer Chofetz Chaim is a famous book detailing the laws of proper speech), he would personally act as his Defender in Heaven. And indeed, we have seen open miracles performed for people who have taken it upon themselves to learn two halachos every day. Shortly after I read the article by Rav Segal zt"1, a woman came to see me, her words punctuated by heartbreaking weeping. She told me that she had a long line of older daughters who had not yet gotten married. I showed her the article and she immediately said that she would accept upon herself a commitment to learn two halachos every day. Within three days, her first daughter was engaged. After two months, the second daughter followed suit, and blie eyen hora the woman saw many yeshuos. Many hundreds of girls in need of shidduchim (matches) have gotten married after taking this commitment upon themselves. Another story was told to me by a woman who came to visit with a one-month-old baby in her arms. She told us that she had come to us a year ago in great sorrow: she had been married twenty years and remained childless. At that time, I had suggested that she learn two halachos a day, and B"H (Thank G-d) she followed this advice and merited the birth of a son. Only a few months ago. a terribly distraught woman came to me, hoping I could advise her on a way to help her mother, who was being hospitalized for a malignant growth. I suggested to her that all the family members should commit themselves to learn two halachos of Shmiras Haloshon. After two days, she returned to me and asked me to publicize the miracle that had occurred. She told us that the whole family gathered and each member took upon himself or herself an obligation to learn two halachos a day. After only two days, they received a phone call from the hospital telling them to take their mother home; the growth had disappeared and the mother was fully recovered! Many, many miracles have occurred... In view of the current situation, we should each commit ourselves blie neder to learn two halachos every day, and to daven with increased concentration, Davening that comes from a pure, holy mouth, the mouth of one who guards his tongue, is accepted immediately by H-shem. Such davening has the power to prevent tragedies and tzuras; and it brings yeshuos to the world. In the future. each of us will be shown how many miracles our davening created and how many lives it saved. In the merit of your efforts, righteous women and girls, may we merit to see the coming of the Moshiach speedily m our days. Inlay it be H-shem's will to fulfill all your requests for the good. B. Kanievsky

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