Sunday, August 26, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven

Rav Genechovsky is now at Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim after having recently traveled to the United States to receive medical treatment. His condition is serious. Surgery was performed last month on Rav Genechovsky to remove a tumor in his liver, but his condition took various turns for the worse, as doctors have attempted to address the medical complications that have arisen. While Rav Genechovsky initially attempted to continue being at the yeshiva, that became too difficult as his illness became worse. He is in need of rachamei shomayim. Over Shabbos, Rav Genechovsky, despite his poor health condition, participated in tefillos at the Sanzer Bais Medrash, near his home, on Rechov Rav Yehuda Halevi in Bnei Brak. He also attended a Siyum Hashas at the bais medrash during seudah shlishis. Tonight, many of his talmidim and admirers were holding tefillah gatherings, including at the Makove Bais Medrash on Rechov Rabbeinu Tam in Bnei Brak, to daven for him Rav Genechovsky is a highly-regarded mashpiah, mashgiach and maggid shiur, and counts among his talmidim prominent marbitzei Torah. All are asked to daven and say Tehillim for Rav Avrohom ben Gita. { Israel News Bureau}

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