Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Please Daven for Warren Weinstein

Warren Weinstein, a relief worker with USAID who was captured in Lahore, Pakistan, in August 2011, appeared in a video on Islamist websites, the US-based monitoring group said. In another video appeal in May, he asked US President Barack Obama to accept the demands of his kidnappers for an end to air strikes and the release of Islamists held in the United States. Weinstein, who was shown wearing a white T-shirt, said Obama had shown "no interest" in his case. "Therefore, as a Jew, I am appealing to you, Prime Minister Netanyahu, the head of the Jewish State of Israel, as one Jew to another, to please intervene on my behalf, to work with the mujahedeen and to accept their demands," he said. Please daven for Warren Weinstein's release.

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