Sunday, September 30, 2012


Individuals of Middle Eastern descent have recently approched members of our community, and posed questions about locations where Jews congregate. It behooves us all to be vigilant and aware of our surroundings. Please exercise care with your children. The Chicago Police Department, in consultation with Alderman Silverstein and community Rabbonim, will have police cars stationed on Devon (Bnei Reuven), California (mostly near KINS) and Touhy (JCC) the first 2 days of Yom Tov. Additional police cars will be patrolling our neighborhood. PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT A POLICE OFFICER SHOULD YOU ENCOUNTER A SUSPICIOUS INDIVIDUAL OR ACTIVITY. IF IT IS AN EIS SAKANA, PLEASE DIAL 911 (if possible, with a shinuy). Our thanks to Alderman Silverstein and Commander Roussell for their prompt response to this situation, and ensuring an increased police presence in our neighborhood. Wishing us all a wonderful Yom Tov and Chag Kosher V'Samayach. HaRachaman Hu Yakim Lanu Es Sukkas Dovid HaNofales

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